If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, contact us:
Does it cost anything to be part of Digia Hub?
No, it is free for freelancers and other cooperation partners.
Can anyone join?
Yes, anyone can join. Most of the projects are for IT specialist with at least 3-5 years of experience.
Do I have to do anything after joining?
Follow the available projects at Digiahub.com and update your profile information when there are changes. The availability times help Digia Hub team to find you projects.
Do you find projects for me?
We get a lot of requests for IT specialists and consultants. The Digia Hub team tries to find projects for as many co-operation partners as possible. Follow Digia Hub’s available projects actively. The team also tries to find the right persons for each project based on the profile information.
How long does it take to fill the profile in Digiahub.com?
It takes maybe 10 minutes if you have a lot of work experience and you add all your skills.
When do you pay me if I work in a project?
We pay invoices monthly.
How much do I get paid?
When the project starts, all the details like hourly rates and invoicing details are added to an agreement.
How do I change or update my profile information?
You can edit or delete your profile after login or send us a message digia@digiahub.com
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